Welcome to our consulting company Al Hidayah PRO Group
Al Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO Group
+ (971) 52 378 4809
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Al Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO Group

About us

About us

We are PRO Service.
Helping “entrepreneurs” take their first steps

Advice on comprehensive legal solutions and legal planning on all aspects of business, including: issues under Company Law & Exchange Control Regulations.






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We deals with many services to take extra care of your problem solutions.

Alhidayah PRO Group is an authorised agent for company formation in Abu Dhabi offering you best business setup services in the UAE. APG provides a wide variety of services and solutions, geared towards enhancing quality and improving client service. Our services include company registration, documentation, translation services, sponsorship support, business licensing, rented office space, PRO services and so much more! With APG Business Setup in Abu Dhabi get the expertise and support your business requires. On-time, every time!

Tax Consultancy

This is one of many areas of professional services where our firm is well ahead of the competition.

Audit & assurance

People are only as good as the tools they possess. So, to consistently deliver high-quality auditing services.

Value Added Tax

We are providing and dealing with all sorts of legal and professional services and matters to operate.

Accounting Services

Our professionals provide a range of accounting and assurance services of the highest standards.

Tax Outsourcing

Unlike our competitors we have in house qualified lawyers and accountants who can help you.

Amazing Strategy

Operates an atmosphere that promote creative approach for clients needs.

Don’t misread here we have random & interesting facts.

Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body. Google’s founders were willing to sell & consult.
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Team members
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Winning Awards
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Client’s Feedback
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Completed Works

It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do, has positively reviews.

We have spent 9 years working for Abu Dhabi recognized and successful business entrepreneur so we have many good review of works.


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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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