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+ (971) 52 378 4809
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Al Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO Group

Offshore Company Setup

Case Studies

Setting up an off-shore company in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Opening a UAE offshore company is a highly popular option for investors looking into foreign trade expansion. A Dubai offshore company setup is ideal, tax efficient, and cost effective. Offshore companies are also known as non-resident “paper” companies . They let entrepreneurs operating in MENA (Middle East & North Africa) regions that have no administrative obligations. Additionally, offshore businesses are full ownership Limited Liability Companies that are exempt from taxes and have zero annual accounting & tax obligations. 



Offshore companies often fulfill the following purposes: 

  • International trading 
  • Holding company 
  • Shipping company 
  • Owning real estate 
  • Registering copyrights & patents 
  • International consulting services 
Difference between offshore and free zone company setup

UAE offshore companies are not the same as UAE free zone companies. Offshore companies are legal business entities set up with the primary intention of operating outside its registered jurisdiction and/or the location of its ultimate ownership. On the other hand, free zones are onshore structures that can legally carry out business within the UAE, and permit UAE residency for shareholders & employees. 

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