Welcome to our consulting company Al Hidayah PRO Group
Al Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO Group
+ (971) 52 378 4809
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Al Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO GroupAl Hidayah PRO Group


Visa & PRO Services

Who needs PRO services?
Whether you’re a business owner or director in UAE, or you’re looking to move your freelancing career to the UAE, you will need to deal with an array of paperwork before you can start making business.
By using the help of a reliable PRO, you will be able to start trading in the UAE in no time at all, avoiding the tedious process of having to set up the business yourself. From getting you a working visa to delivering paperwork to local authorities, a PRO will take care of every aspect of setting up your new professional life in the UAE, so you can dedicate your time to something else!

APG can get you your business license in Abu Dhabi, Dubai as well as across the emirates in no time! We advice on the right kind of license for your business, help you acquire the license and give reminders for renewal of license. In the unfortunate case, where you need to get your trade license cancelled APG expedites the process minimizing your fines and costs.

What are PRO Services in the UAE?

Every company in or relocating to the UAE requires the services of a Public Relations Official (PRO). PRO services cover any activities related to processing governmental documents and paperwork – from visa applications and labour cards to company trade licensing.

At Time & Motion, we value the importance of efficiently dealing with bureaucracy and staying compliant with the latest rules and regulations. We pride ourselves on always being up to date with the ever-changing process and information on setting up a business or working in the UAE.



Reliable Services
Guaranteed Work


  • 830, Behind Al Mariah Mall, Hamdan Street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • +971 52378 4809
  • info@alhidayahprogroup.com


View our prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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